Thursday, January 7, 2010

From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris

Not a bad story but I feel it is missing something. There was a lot of information given but there was not much action or reasons for most of it. I am sure it was a set up for her next book, but I feel like this one could have had something happen too.

The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure

For me this book was OK only because I am not into the S&M fantasy. These books were given to be as a gift so I will finish the series but I am hoping that like every fairy tale, the wicked queen and her followers fall into shame and disgrace. I thought she did a good job writing these books but I found myself wondering if she held back a little when she wrote them. I also thought a hidden message was given to the readers. No matter how bad of a situation you are in, you still have free will. Beauty was behaving so well until the end when she Chose to misbehave and be sent to the village as punishment.

There Was Once A Potato by Ebony Haywood

I read this to my children and they loved it. My 6 year old daughter started out saying she would fight Clamatoe Potato because she has a strong kick. At the end of the book she said she would have just made friends with everyone. The pictures and the story showed how innocent bystanders were hurt for no reason at all and she thought that was bad. I loved the rhymes in the book too. It is a fun book for kids to read and if the parents talk to their children, it can be educational and a way to get their imagination flowing. An example is asking them what they think the food does when there are no humans around.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Tender Distance: Raising My Sons in Alaska by Kaylene Johnson

This book was really good. I could relate to the mother in the book well. Kaylene Johnson did a wonderful job explaining how a mother feels from the moment her children are born until the time they leave home. She even describes the pain of almost losing a child. The adventures she took with her kids and without were amazing and I understood her conflict of leaving the house for four days for a hike. It made me realize that I will feel that way long after my young children are older. I was hoping to read that the oldest son added a picture of his mother to the scrapbook or a reason why he chose not too. Regardless, I am happy I won this book because I would have missed out on a good story.

Truly Madly by Heather Webber

I thought this book told a good story. It was well written too. Very few editorial mistakes. The characters were realistic which helped me relate to them. The book was predictable, but was a fun quick read. I was expecting more from the romance scenes, however, the lack of it makes this book a good read with young teenagers you might have. There are more books to come about these characters and I am willing to buy them.